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geography of self

Symbolism is an important tool we use to express how we feel about things, how we see things, and how we think about the life we live. For this portion of the project, you will use your own version of map symbols to create a visual representation of who you are.
READY. . .
Start by brainstorming a list of what is important to you. Include the following:
1. your full name
2. names of people who are important to you (family, friends, etc.)
3. life-changing events (things that have happened in your life that have shaped its course)
4. your favorites (pet, memory, vacation place, book, film, food, subject, music, part of the day, thing to think about, etc.)
5. any other details you deem important to who you are
SET. . .
Now, consider the different types of land features on a map. Our world is comprised of peninsulas, islands, archipelagos, mountains, rivers, streams, waterfalls, tundra, taiga, desert, plains, steppes, and plateaus to name just a few. Think about the meaning of each land feature, and how you might use that meaning to represent, or symbolize, something of importance to you. Have a look at some examples here. Notice how the artist of "My Lifesland" chose certain land features to represent important people in her life; for example, she drew a volcano and called it "Dad."
Now, plan out a rough draft of an autobiographical map using the principles of map creation. Maps portray where things are located in relation to other things. Think about how to use this idea to represent who you are and what/who is important to you.
Using old school paper and colored pencils, create an autobiographical map. Include the following elements:
1. 5-7 different land features
2. 8-10 different symbols
3. a map legend
4. a unique compass rose
When you have finished, follow these directions to load your map to your Thinglink.
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